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Connection. Engagement. Transaction
Advertising is defined in the dictionaries as "A public promotion of some product or service". While this is true, reaching out to total ...
Optimization Basics
When the advertising campaigns are planned, designed and deployed; there exist certain assumptions based on the past experiences and....
Smart(er) Re-Targeting with Adzymic
Adzymic's state of art technology generates the most compelling and likely to be responded advertising creative to be shown to the said user
Running the Performance Campaigns Right
To maximize the potential, Osprey Media Lab closely monitors the campaigns, extracts the data, reviews the results, revises or applies
Adzymic's Response to Dynamic Creative Management Platform: P.A.D.
Adzymic helps advertisers simplify creative management processes, transform their display advertising into native and performance marketing
Dynamic Ads with Adzymic
Adzymic offers a terrific and a dynamic solution to creative tasks: Automating ads generation and allowing its clients scale their ad
Case Study: Harvey Norman Campaign
Osprey Media Lab offered to Harvey Norman the implementation of unique and smart Adzymic Smart Tag instead which allowed personalised dynami
Adzymic Dynamic Creative Solutions: A Locomotive in Simplifying Processes and Delivering Results
Working with various publishers, advertising networks or even with a single website with plenty of channels and product pages at the same ti
Adzymic Offers Real Dynamism in Creative Solutions
Instead of utilizing the cookie-based information for the personalized ads and re-targeting efforts, Adzymic Smart Targeting evaluates the u
Digital Advertising Superstores: Demand Side Platforms
DSPs allow managing digital inventories, handling of multiple advertising and data exchanges all via real time bidding. While it caters to t
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